Si vous vivez avec la dermatite atopique ou si vous connaissez quelqu'un qui en est atteint, vous voudrez peut-être vous tenir au courant de l'état de cette maladie, des traitements actuels et des nouvelles.
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D'autres ressources:
Ressources sur l'eczéma pour les enfants:Articles sur la DA de la revue À Propeau:
Canadian Skin Video on Atopic Dermatitis
In this special episode, Dr. Kirk Barber speaks with the lead co-authors of a supplement which was published in the November 2018 edition of the journal titled, “The Approach To The Assessment And Management Of Adult Patients With Atopic Dermatitis: A Consensus Document.” The supplement and this episode are sponsored by Sanofi Genzyme but they had no input into the content of either. The consensus document offers clinicians a practical up-to-date guideline for the management of these patients. Dr Chih-ho Hong and Dr Melinda Gooderham take Dr Barber through the thinking that developed the document and its implications for clinicians.